If you’ve reached an agreement with your former partner to resolve things before you come to see us, we’ll formalise your agreement in a harmonious, efficient and cost effective manner.
If there’s a chance an agreement can be reached that you’ll be happy with, we’ll do our utmost to get you there.
If court is your only option, we will guide and support you through each step of the process. Our clients say they’re glad we’re on their side.
Whatever your situation, we’ll work with you.
We take great pride in ensuring you get the very best outcome. Always.
We collaborate with the best Senior and Junior Counsel, the most respected forensic accountants, mediators and family therapists.
From beginning to end we want you to feel confident. Confident that we’ve understood you. Confident that you’ve chosen the best lawyer for you. Confident that we have the utmost commitment to your goal.
When family law matters finalise, no one and nothing is as it was before. There will be a new version of you. A new version of your family. Our goal is to accomplish that swiftly, expertly and cost effectively.